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Obama letí do Evropy. Kvůli Ukrajině, atomu i clům

23.03.2014 09:15

Americký prezident Barack Obama míří na návštěvu Evropy, během níž se zúčastní několika vrcholných schůzek. K původně plánovanému summitu o jaderné bezpečnosti v Haagu a jednání s evropskými lídry v rámci summitu EU-USA přibyla na poslední chvíli také schůzka zemí G7 o ukrajinské krizi. Právě téma Ruska a Ukrajiny bude zřejmě Obamově cestě do tří evropských zemí dominovat.

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  • petr petr (5 hlasů) 23.03.2014 09:58

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  • jara jara (2 hlasy) 23.03.2014 10:17

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  • jara jara (1 hlas) 23.03.2014 10:18


  • Petr Vaněk (1 hlas) 23.03.2014 10:59

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0 hlasů

Jak vás FSB platí, v rublech nebo v nenáviděných eurech případně dolarech? Nesmrdí vám ty peníze, kolaborante?

0 hlasů

Nakálet na čerta, v 17.00 se jedou motorky, bude odkaz na internetu, Jedou naši tři kluci, budeme jim fandit!

0 hlasů

Tak ať se vaši ruští synové nevymlátí.

0 hlasů

No, čerte, nejprve stáhni své jednotky z cizích zemí a pak mudruj. Maličká česká vláda kope a má hafel tlamovýrazů, ale to už tady bylo. Jen dnes jsou to "naši litři":-)))

0 hlasů

V Číně ho nechtějí, v Americe už ho mají taky dost, Japonci na něj hází bobek, tak kam jinam může? No do socialistický EU, tam možná nějaké podobné šašky najde.

1 hlas

1 hlas

Zdejší levicoví kolaboranti a agenti FSB nezahálí.

2 hlasy

Válečný štváč přijíždí do Evropy s cílem instalovat nejen radar a jaderné rakety ale i vnucení GMO potravin !!!

5 hlasů

Jak vás FSB platí, v rublech nebo v nenáviděných Eurech případně dolarech?

0 hlasů

Americké jaderné rakety do Brd, aby si Rusák už v Čechách neprd.

0 hlasů

" Černý Hitler." Takové označení se u mnohých lidí Obamovi dostalo. Za to, že do evropského kožichu nasadil nacistickou veš. Ukrajinskou banderovskou nacistickou veš.

5 hlasů

Abychom byli upřímní, "mnozí lidé" za velkou louží přírovnávají režim Velkého černého otce ve Washingtonu k fašismu, nikoliv k nacismu. Mezi fašismem a nacismem přece jenom je nějaký rozdíl:

Obama creates “Partnership” between government, business and colleges upon his own decree, institutes Mussolini-styled Fascism as official U.S. policy.

Obama’s decree and many of his statements regarding business is almost verbatim to Benito Mussolini’s Labour Charter of 1927 that establishes the tenets of fascism. I’m going to post some of the articles of Mussolini’s charter and contrast those with statements made from His Heinous Hussein Obama and his spokesidiots:

Article 1 – Labour Charter 1927
“The Italian Nation is an organism having ends, life, and means of action superior to those of individuals, singly or in groups, of which it is composed. It is a moral, political, and economic unity, realized wholly in the Fascist State.”

“…individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country. Unfortunately, I think that recognition requires that we make sacrifices and this country has not always been willing to make the sacrifices that are necessary to bring about a new day and a new age.” - Barrack Hussein Obama

Article 2:
“Work, in all its intellectual, technical, and manual forms, is a social obligation. To this end, and only to this end, it is safeguarded by the State. The totality of production is unitary from the national point of view; its objectives are unitary and comprise the well-being of the producers and the development of national strength.”

“…government and businesses have mutual responsibilities; and that if we fulfill these obligations together, it benefits us all,”
“…We know that’s our strength, our people, our communities, our businesses. But government can’t stand on the sidelines in our efforts. Because government is us.“- Barrack Hussein Obama

Article 3:
“There is freedom of professional or union organization. But only the union legally recognized by, and subject to, the control of the State has the right to legally represent the entire category of employers or employees by which it is constituted [...]; or to stipulate collective labor contracts binding on all those belonging to the category; or to impose on them dues, or to exercise on their behalf delegate functions of public interest.”

“I do not view the labor movement as part of the problem. To me, it’s part of the solution.”
“The Task Force on Middle Class Working Families and the Executive Orders are the first step in a long road to restore balance between workers and corporations” – Barrack Hussein Obama

Article 7:
“The corporative State considers private initiative, in the field of production, as the most efficient and useful instrument of the Nation.”

“What is absolutely the case is the private sector does some things very well and better than the government can, and running effective websites may be one of them, is one of them,” - White House press secretary Jay Carney

Article 9:
“State intervention in economic production may take place only where private initiative is lacking or is insufficient, or when are at stakes the political interest of the State. This intervention may take the form of control, encouragement or direct management.”

“What the Affordable Care Act demonstrates is that it is important for government to take action in order to, for example, do something the private sector has failed to do” - White House press secretary Jay Carney

“If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.” - Barrack Hussein Obama

Article 13:
“The duty of employment is under control of the corporate organs. Employers have the obligation to hire workers who are official members of the appropriate trades, and have the power to choose from the rolls of membership, giving precedence to the members of the party and the Fascist unions according to their seniority of membership.”

“Businesses have a responsibility, too.….They should set up shop here, and hire our workers, and pay decent wages, and invest in the future of this nation. That’s their obligation.”

“…government action time and again can make an enormous difference in increasing opportunity and bolstering ladders into the middle class…. “laws establishing collective bargaining, and a minimum wage — these all contributed to rising standards of living for massive numbers of Americans”. - Barrack Hussein Obama

Obama is not only imposing his dictatorship on America, but imposing an entrenched Marxist-Fascist ideology as official policy that few are recognizing. Despotism does not begin to describe what is being erected upon us all.

0 hlasů

Jak vás FSB platí, v rublech nebo v nenáviděných Eurech případně dolarech?

0 hlasů

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