Američané stěhují ambasádu do Jeruzaléma. Čekají se nepokoje

14.05.2018 07:03

U příležitosti 70. výročí založení Izraele Spojené státy v pondělí přemístí své velvyslanectví z Tel Avivu do Jeruzaléma. Učiní tak z rozhodnutí prezidenta Donalda Trumpa, který loni v prosinci uznal Jeruzalém za hlavní město Izraele.

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Jakože Češi prostě rozhodli bez účasti Palestinců, nápodobně jak se rozhodlo v Mníchovské dohodě? Nebo má ten český postoj jasné stanovisko zohledňující například:

- Given the city's central position in both Jewish nationalism (Zionism) and Palestinian nationalism, the selectivity required to summarize some 5,000 years of inhabited history is often influenced by ideological bias or background (see Historiography and nationalism).[74][75] The periods of Jewish sovereignty in the city's history are important to Israeli/Jewish nationalists (Zionists), who claim the right to the city based on Jewish descent from the Israelite Kingdom of Judah, of which Jerusalem was the capital.[76][77] In contrast, Palestinian nationalists claim the right to the city based on modern Palestinians' descent from many different peoples who have lived in the region over the centuries, rather than those from a particular period.[78][79][80] Both sides claim the history of the city has been politicized by the other in order to strengthen their relative claims to the city,[75][81][82] and that this is borne out by the different focuses the different writers place on the various events and eras in the city's history. -


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Nad Izraelom, tym rasistickym a fasistickym statom, vsetci krutia hlavou. OSN i vsetky ludskopravne organizacie Izrael kritizuju kazdy mesiac so zeleznou pravidelnostou a nic sa nedeje.

Kazdy iny stat by za rovnake ciny uz bol utopeny v sankciach. Minimalne..

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